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The Good News Of Sleeve Gastrectomy Bergen County New Jersy

By Barbara Reynolds

If you want to lose a large amount of weight through surgery, you may be looking into the sleeve gastrectomy. This is usually only performed on patients who are severely obese or have obesity-related conditions that could be dangerous. If you think you qualify for sleeve gastrectomy Bergen County New Jersy treatment, you should consider the basic facts regarding it.

The point of this surgery is to remove the majority of the stomach so you cannot eat much food, which should lead to significant weight loss within months. Once a portion of the stomach is removed, the remainder is shaped into what looks like a sleeve. Your doctor may decide this operation is sufficient to help you lose the weight you need to get rid of. However, it can also be combined with other procedures in the future, such as a gastric bypass or duodenal switch.

In this procedure, the stomach is split into two parts and the upper segment is closed off. This causes the body to absorb fewer calories, and makes patients feel full faster. While this surgery has a great track record, there are some important considerations. You must be careful in your diet so that you don't suffer from anemia or malnutrition.

Excessive body weight including obesity and morbid obesity is combined effect of three major factors, namely genes, eating habits and physical activity. You should focus on the last two factors over which you have control. Managing these with serious and persistent efforts should be your first action before considering any obesity surgery options. Your family doctor is, of course, the most suited person to advise you on the remedial course suitable for you.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a much more radical technique as it involves surgically removing a large part of the stomach - usually around 85% - leaving it in a shape resembling a tube or 'sleeve'. Part of the success of this procedure may be due to the removal of the part of the stomach that produces hunger-stimulating hormones. While it can be successful on its own it is sometimes used in combination with gastric bypass surgery.

It is for generally those with morbid obesity conditions and more importantly for whom all other forms of obesity treatments have failed and who are ready for substantial changes to lifestyle including eating habits and are willing to be monitored on a regular basis all life.

It will take perseverance to overcome bad eating habits and lifestyle attitudes that formally would have aided you in gaining weight. But, with time, this can be accomplished. It's perfectly doable to create a new life outlook. A great way to help you do this is to find a good friend with a big shoulder or even consider therapy. Talking out one's feelings instead of stuffing them down inside you is a great release.

Gastric Bypass- Through four different mechanisms including Restriction, Malabsorption, Dumping Syndrome, and Hormonal Changes, weight loss after a gastric bypass is achieved. Restriction is the term used for the size reduction of the stomach pouch. Through such process, a person feels satisfied after eating even just a small serving of food, hence the tendency to overeat is eliminated.

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