By Ann Perry Osteoarthritis is the most common cause for the chronic pains of dogs and is affecting a fifth of all of the adult ones with number doubling for those older than seven years old. This degenerative disease causes decreased life quality, loss of mobility and pain. Other types of arthritis could affect them such as spondylosis, spondylitis and spinal stenosis. Signs that they are affected include pain after exercise, slowing down during walks, stiffness when they lie down or get up, or limping. This may be the reason you would need the natural arthritis pain relief for dogs in helping their condition to improve. Do this while still giving them the prescribed medications provided by the veterinarian for your pet. Make sure to visit first the vet in order for them to be diagnosed to know if their problem is really arthritis and avoid diagnosing them yourself. Because you might provide them with medications which may make their ailment worse rather than improving them...